
journey of hope

A review for 'Still Standing', by Honourable Edith Nawakwi

It doesn't matter how strong I try. I can't run a marathon . However, short the distance, maybe.My sister, you are the sunlight in this jungle of hopelessness.If love is a rose, you are that rose on the thorny cross road of life's journey of hope. We met briefly, and it is so clear that you are a gem of life for the world. You are a blessing.

Called to His purpose

A review for 'Still Standing', by Ms. Chishala Kateka- New Heritage Party President, Zambia

I think that the Lord allowed you to go through what you did. But was that the only way that God could get you to that position? Absolutely not. When the enemy of our souls comes to wreak havoc in our lives and seems to succeed somehow, the Lord takes those broken pieces and uses them towards His own purposes. Hence the scripture in Romans “in all things, God works together for good to them that love Him and are the called according to His purpose.

You are a rare combination of many things!! Your (family) background, your educational background, your experiences and most importantly, your heart and mind. 

The Lord has orchestrated a masterpiece that only He can appreciate and perhaps a few of us that the Lord enables to see beyond what others see.

Mwangala, what I picked up in the spirit, as I read Still Standing, is someone that is certainly not to be pitied, rather, someone to be held in high esteem. What has come out of those dark tunnels is a Jeremiah 51:20-23 person. A battle ax. An arrow in the Lord’s quiver. Allow yourself to sink deeper in Him and you will see what He will do in and through you.

mothers and comforters of the nation

A review for 'Still Standing', by Lilly Sinkala

"I needed to live if not for myself at least for my children, and slowly I began to have more reasons to live than to die."

( Mwangala Lethbridge ~ Still Standing)

As the nation is almost overwhelmed by the tragedy cases of suicide that are ravaging our families and stealing the joy of family leaving mental scares on children of the victims we upload citizens like sister Mwangala who have the courage to surmount the temptation through a thought of love for her children and today as she shared her moment with us while shopping at our shop we were even more blessed to get copies of her new book ( Still Standing ) and we encourage you to get this copy.

To all the women out there we are called to mother and comfort the nation through our prayers and our supplication will preserve our families.


A review for 'Still Standing', by Douglas Cibala

Thankyou for being relatable and for showing me the way. Thankyou

So refreshing

A review for 'Still Standing', by Makungo Muyembe

READING A BOOK wow!!! So refreshing I have not done this in more than 10 years..

This one is deep , I am mesmerised how you were able to express and explain what you went through in this excellent way... how do you remember everything and put in a book a very impressive life story ...

Big up my friend,, this book is a master piece..

Having gone through an accident myself , reading your book resonates with your experience

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